Give While You Shop!

Do you shop at Fred Meyer,, or Ebay?  You can make a donation to HIV Alliance while you shop!  Just register HIV Alliance as your charity of choice through  the online registration program for each of these stores.  Fred Meyer, Amazon and EBay then make a contribution to us based on the amount that you spent shopping.  We’ll be adding more of these programs so be sure to keep checking.

Fred Meyer:

Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping HIV Alliance earn a donation from Fred Meyer.  All you have to do is link your rewards card to HIV Alliance at rewards.  If you do not have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know!  The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate .5% of the purchase price of eligible Amazon Smile items to HIV Alliance once you designate us as your charity of choice.  Support HIV Alliance by starting your shopping at and choosing HIV Alliance as your favorite charity!


Choose HIV Alliance as your charity of choice when selling an item OR search Ebay for items that will benefit HIV Alliance and Ebay will donate to the organization! Learn more at

Online Donations

You can make a donation online at any time by just clicking on the donate button to the left (or at any location within the site) and it will take you to a secure donation page where you can make a donation through your Paypal account or as guest.

Direct Donations by Mail or In-Person

Making a Donation Through the Mail, by Phone, or In Person

By Mail:  Mail your donation to:

HIV Alliance, 1966 Garden Ave., Eugene, OR 97403.

All our finance staff are located in Eugene, so if you plan to mail a donation, please send it to the Eugene office.

By Phone:  We can take credit and debit card payments over the phone  just call 541-342-5088 and ask for the Finance Director or Staff Accountant.

ACH Transfer:  Please contact our Finance Director, for more information at 541-342-5088, ext 127.


Who Do I Contact About Donations?

If you are interested in getting more information about the many ways that you can make a donation to HIV Alliance please contact Karen Murphy, Development Director, at 541-342-5088, ext. 121.

All donations to HIV Alliance are tax-deductible.  Our Federal Tax ID number is 93-0963546.

How to Donate

There are many ways that you can support our fight to end HIV and support individuals living with HIV.  You can volunteer.  You can give in-kind and monetary donations.  And, you can keep the message about HIV alive in your community!  If you would like to make a monetary or in-kind contribution to HIV Alliance, we have outlined below how this can be done.  If you have any questions, please contact the Development Director at  Thank you!



how your donation helpsPICTURE






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Your tax-deductible gift will go to work immediately

preventing new HIV infections and caring for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

We appreciate donations in all shapes and sizes. HIV Alliance offers several easy ways to support our mission:

Ribbon of Endurance

Corporate Sponsors

In-kind Gifts

Planned Giving

All donations to the agency are tax deductible. HIV Alliance’s federal Tax ID number is 93-0963546.

Questions? More information?

Jaclyn Mahoney

Development Manager

541-342-5088 x151

Planned Giving

Planned giving is a wonderful way to make a difference in our community for the long-term. Include HIV Alliance in your will and you will not only receive tax benefits for your estate, but will also leave a legacy for years to come.


In-kind Gifts

In-kind donations make a difference.  Every year we receive thousands of dollars in in-kind donations.  From condoms to office supplies to items for a fundraising auction, your support makes a difference.  Every dollar that we save through your in-kind donation can be spent on something a client needs!


Corporate Sponsors

If you are a local business or a church, Corporate Sponsorship is for you. Join the dedicated group of businesses and religious organizations that care about our community’s health and want to be part of the solution to HIV/AIDS. With more partners who join our team, we can more powerfully protect future generations from this disease.  Help us move to a future free of HIV/AIDS.

With a gift as little as $100, your business can support HIV Alliance while gaining more visibility and creating customer loyalty by associating itself with an important cause. Sponsorship packages are available at all levels.


Ribbon of Endurance

If you want to become a long-term partner of HIV Alliance, the Ribbon of Endurance is for you. Members of the Ribbon of Endurance pledge to give a $1,000 annual gift for 5 years.


If you want to became a long-term partner of HIV Alliance, the Ribbon of Endurance is for you. Members of the Ribbon of Endurance pledge to give a $1,000 annual gift for 5 years.