Prevention Programs

HIV Alliance is committed to preventing new HIV infections.  In Oregon, the populations most at risk for HIV are: gay/bi men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), and partners of people living with HIV/AIDS (P/PLWHA).  Our prevention programs are committed to reducing risk amongst these populations.

Our programs for men who have sex with men (MSM) are housed under the Alliance for Men’s Wellness.  These programs include outreach and recruitment into testing for the MSM community Unzipped Alliance, Party Unzipped, The Alliance for Men’s Wellness newsletter and our Regional Health Fairs are all facets of this program.

Our programs for people who inject drugs (PWID) are focused around our needle exchange program, an evidence based intervention proven to reduce HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) infections.  Embedded in our needle exchange program is our Hepatitis C (HCV) program to improve access to healthcare to those living with HCV.  A HCV/HIV dual infection can be incredibly challenging.  Our Hepatitis C Community Health Worker helps our HCV clients manage their Hepatitis C disease and remain HIV negative.

The partners of people living with HIV/AIDS can be particularly at-risk for contracting HIV.  We assist these individuals by educating our clients living with HIV on safer sex and disclosure practices through our Guys Like Us program.  We also offer testing and risk reduction counseling to the partners of all our HIV-positive clients.  We provider a space for anyone who feels at risk for HIV to contact our prevention manager with any questions they might have.

Hosting an Event? Let us Know!

The HIV Alliance prevention outreach team is committed to representing gay/bisexual/pansexual men and transfolk in the community and ensuring equitable access to sexual health and wellness information and safer sex supplies. If you are hosting or know of an event happening in the community, please let us know! We would love to come and table, distribute safer sex supplies, or otherwise support your event. Please fill out the form below and we will make every effort to be in attendance!


[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Event Attendance Request’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment (include event date%26#x002c; time%26#x002c; location%26#x002c; and what we can do to support you)’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Help Us Build Our HIV/AIDS Timeline

We are continuing to add to our HIV/AIDS timeline, but just as the struggle continues, so too does our efforts to compile an accurate picture of the history of this disease.

For one person or one agency to describe the history of HIV/AIDS is impossible. The disease has affected millions, and each experience is unique. Different communities have felt the impact in different ways.

Help us by contributing events and landmarks in the fight to end HIV/AIDS.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’History Timeline Item Submission’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website Address with More Information’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Event/Landmark Description’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Application Process

HIV Alliance requires all potential employees to include an Employment Application.

The application can be found here: HIVAlliance_Employment_Application.  Download the application and open with Adobe Reader.  In the Document Rights and Instructions field, click Typewriter.  Fill in form and submit with the application packet (Resume and Cover Letter).

All positions are subject to a criminal background check.

Only complete packets will be considered. Please submit resume, cover letter, and completed application forms to the listed email address.

Please check out our volunteer page for more information on how to get involved.

Please, no phone calls. Thank you!

Unzipped Alliance

Follow us on Unzipped Alliance. This blog site is updated bi-weekly in six categories: HIV Exposed, Community Partners, Relationships, Safer Sex, Night Stand, and Trans talk. We also have videos and other useful information about HIV and safe sex practices. You can ask a Sexpert right on our site and get a fast response. So ask away! Your information is confidential and private.

Online Outreach

HIV Alliance is here to inform and answer questions about HIV prevention, awareness, and testing. Additionally, our online outreach experts are available to answer questions and/or provide resources to information regarding STIs, safer sex practices, and general sexual health and wellness inquiries. We have a presence on sites that include: Adam4Adam, Craigslist, Growlr, Grindr, Scruff, and Manhunt. We are committed to meeting the community where they are, to provide the easiest access to information and services possible. If you know of an app or website whose users would benefit from our knowledge and resources, please contact the Outreach Coordinator.

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Ribbon of Endurance

If you want to become a long-term partner of HIV Alliance, the Ribbon of Endurance is for you. Members of the Ribbon of Endurance pledge to give a $1,000 annual gift for 5 years.


If you want to became a long-term partner of HIV Alliance, the Ribbon of Endurance is for you. Members of the Ribbon of Endurance pledge to give a $1,000 annual gift for 5 years.