Prevention Outreach Specialist


  • Current FTE: .375 (15 hours/week)
  • Salary: $11/hour
  • This position is non-exempt, i.e. subject to state and federal wage and overtime requirements


The Prevention Outreach Specialist will work closely with the prevention manager in outreaching to the Men who have sex with Men (MSM) community. This includes conducting recruitment into counseling, testing, and referral services. The Outreach Specialist will work with the Testing Specialist and other prevention staff to provide testing, including onsite and offsite testing and testing events. The position will supervise volunteers both in agency and off-site. In addition, the Specialist will be trained to provide HIV client-centered counseling, needle exchange services, table at community events, and present to community groups on issues of HIV/AIDS.  This position will also help to organize and staff community events put on by HIV Alliance.

Responsibilities and qualifications for the Prevention Specialist are listed here