Client Newsletter

The Client Newsletter is a quarterly publication that provides information on upcoming events, HIV related articles, a prevention column called “Ask Fudge” and information about our Client Advisory Board.  If you don’t get the newsletter in the mail, let your Care Coordinator know or you can fill out the form below to subscribe to our eNewsletter format.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’eNewsletter for Clients’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’County of Residence’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Care Coordinator’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Client Advisory Committee

The mission of the Client Advisory Committee is:

  • To improve communication between staff and clients and to increase client engagement in and with the agency.


What does the committee do?  The Client Advisory Committee is comprised of clients and staff.  The group helps to coordinate client events such as summer BBQs and Holiday Parties, they publish the client newsletter, review client feedback and make recommendations, and host the WAD Client Art Show.

How often does the committee meet?  The meetings are held once a month at HIV Alliance in Lane County.  If you cannot get to the meeting a conference call can be set up for you to call in.

How do I join?  If you would like to be part of the Client Advisory Committee or want to provide feedback, use the form below to send a message.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’CAC Talk To Us’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Offered Services Through Care Coordination

Care Coordination Services include:

  • Referrals to social services
  • Referrals to housing services
  • Referrals and assistance accessing mental health and alcohol & drug treatment
  • Emergency financial assistance (if below 250% Federal Poverty Level)
  • Benefits advocacy – obtaining benefits and assistance when you are unable to advocate for yourself
  • Health insurance advocacy – assistance in applying, reapplying, and advocating with insurance programs
  • Coordination with medical care
  • Employment and financial planning referral
  • Referrals to dental services

Medical Case Management services are provided by an AIDS Certified RN and include:

  • Medication adherence
  • Nutrition counseling and education
  • HIV education
  • Monitoring of labs and explanation of medical conditions
  • Liver health support
  • Case consultation with your physician

Pharmacist Case Management services (for clients struggling with medication management issues and referred by the RN Case Manager) include:

  • Medication assessment
  • Medication consultation
  • Medication aids
  • Assistance managing side effects
  • Medication education
  • Case consultation with physician

Got A Story You Want To Share?

Good, bad, or indifferent, we can all learn from each others experience.  We are also looking for small art pieces, poetry and other creative expressions to use in future newsletters.  Your story will help other clients see that they are not alone! We want to hear from you!

Write your personal story of up to 800 words and submit it in the form below.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Client Story’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Newsletter Submission’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Bueno, Malo, o indiferente, todos podemos aprender de nuestras inferencias de uno y otro. También estamos buscando arte como, poesía y otras expresiones creativas para usar en el noticiero del futuro. Queremos saber de ti!

Escribe su historia personal hasta 800 palabras y presentarlo en el siguiente formulario.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Client Newsletter Story’][contact-field label=’Nombre’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Correo Electrónico’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Sumisión de Noticiero’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Housing Program Services

Four OHOP Housing Coordinators work with our HIV Care Coordinators throughout the state to help eligible clients and their families:

  • Locate and/or secure suitable housing
  • Identify other related community based resources that may be available to clients
  • Provide information and referral to those resources
  • Provide tenant based rental assistance through rental subsidy payments

Four OHOP housing coordinators work with HIV case managers throughout the state to help eligible clients and their families:

  • Locate and/or secure suitable housing
  • Identify other related community based resources that may be available to clients
  • Provide information and referral to those resources
  • Provide tenant based rental assistance through rental subsidy payments

Housing Program Purpose and Goals

Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership (OHOP) Program is a project created to provide a continuum of housing and related supportive services opportunities for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. OHOP is available throughout all Oregon counties that are outside of the Portland metropolitan statistical area. OHOP is a partnership between multiple state agencies, including the Department of Human Services Public Health Division, Oregon Housing and Community Services, and the Oregon Department of Corrections and several community-based agencies, including HIV Alliance.Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership (OHOP) Program is a project created to provide a continuum of housing and related supportive services opportunities for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. OHOP is available throughout Lane County and in all other Oregon counties that are outside of the Portland metropolitan statistical area. OHOP is a partnership between multiple state agencies, including the Department of Human Services Public Health Division, Oregon Housing and Community Services, and the Oregon Department of Corrections and several community-based agencies, including HIV Alliance.

Who is Eligible?

People who are interested in receiving OHOP assistance should contact their HIV Care Coordinator(s) to learn more about program eligibility requirements. Generally, eligible individuals must:

  • Have low or no income
  • Be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
  • Be actively engaged in ongoing HIV case management services

People who are interested in receiving OHOP assistance should contact their HIV case manager(s) to learn more about program eligibility requirements. Generally, eligible individuals must:

  • have low or no income
  • be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
  • be actively engaged in ongoing HIV case management services

What Type of Rental Assistance is Provided?

Eligible individuals complete a program intake with an OHOP Housing Coordinator. At intake, and periodically thereafter, the OHOP Housing Coordinator will work with clients to determine the amounts of rental assistance each client is qualified to receive. Generally, OHOP can assist clients with:

  • Move-in costs (security deposits, cleaning fees, etc.)
  • Limited utility assistance
  • Short-term or ongoing monthly rental assistance to help clients pay a portion (or sometimes all) of clients’ rent

OHOP cannot assist clients with application fees, utility payments, mortgage assistance, or other non-housing-related needs. Clients should work with their HIV Care Coordinator(s) to address these needs.Eligible individuals complete a program intake with an OHOP housing coordinator. At intake, and periodically thereafter, the OHOP housing coordinator will work with clients to determine the amounts of rental assistance each client is qualified to receive. Generally, OHOP can assist clients with:

  • move-in costs (security deposits, cleaning fees, etc.)
  • limited utility assistance
  • short-term or ongoing monthly rental assistance to help clients pay a portion (or sometimes all) of clients’ rent

OHOP cannot assist clients with application fees, utility payments, mortgage assistance, or other non-housing-related needs. Clients should work with their HIV case manager(s) to address these needs.

Where Can Clients Live?

If OHOP clients need assistance finding suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP Housing Coordinators will work with them to do so. If clients are already in suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP housing coordinators are often able to work with clients to help them remain there. Generally, clients must locate and/or maintain rental housing that:

  • Meets minimum housing quality standards defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Rents at or below HUD-established fair market rent prices for the household size and residence area
  • Is owned or managed by an individual or property management company who is willing to work with OHOP

If OHOP clients need assistance finding suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP housing coordinators will work with them to do so. If clients are already in suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP housing coordinators are often able to work with clients to help them remain there. Generally, clients must locate and/or maintain rental housing that:

  • meets minimum housing quality standards defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • rents at or below HUD-established fair market rent prices for the household size and residence area
  • is owned or managed by an individual or property management company who is willing to work with OHOP

Is There a Waiting Period?

Unfortunately, yes.  There is a state-wide waiting list for this program.  It may take a while to get approved for financial services.  Clients shouldn’t hesitate to get on other wait lists, which have different services and eligibility (Section 8, St. Vincent DePaul, HASCA).