Where Can Clients Live?

If OHOP clients need assistance finding suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP Housing Coordinators will work with them to do so. If clients are already in suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP housing coordinators are often able to work with clients to help them remain there. Generally, clients must locate and/or maintain rental housing that:

  • Meets minimum housing quality standards defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Rents at or below HUD-established fair market rent prices for the household size and residence area
  • Is owned or managed by an individual or property management company who is willing to work with OHOP

If OHOP clients need assistance finding suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP housing coordinators will work with them to do so. If clients are already in suitable, stable rental housing, OHOP housing coordinators are often able to work with clients to help them remain there. Generally, clients must locate and/or maintain rental housing that:

  • meets minimum housing quality standards defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • rents at or below HUD-established fair market rent prices for the household size and residence area
  • is owned or managed by an individual or property management company who is willing to work with OHOP