Oregon Health Plan

The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) provides health care coverage to low-income Oregonians through programs administered by the Division of Medical Assistance Programs (DMAP). Currently, more than 600,000 people each month receive health care coverage through the Oregon Health Plan.

Qualification for OHP is based on residency, income, and/or those who are elderly, sight impaired, disabled, pregnant or receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Individuals who want to apply for OHP should always submit a completed application to see if they qualify. OHP is opening to more low-income adults in 2014. You may qualify for OHP, even if you’ve been denied in the past.

You can apply for the Oregon Health Plan at any time. Enrollment is always open.  All people enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan will become a member of a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) that serves your county of residence.  Some counties have more than one CCO and you may be asked to choose.  For more information visit the Oregon Health Authority website.

Your Care Coordinator can help you apply for OHP or you can go to the Cover Oregon website at Cover Oregon

Dental Clinic Services

Services provided to clients through the partnership between HIV Alliance and Lane Community College Dental Clinic may include the following:

  • Cleanings (as prescribed)
  • Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Dentures (as prescribed)
  • Emergency treatment
  • Root Canals
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Partials/Flippers

Benefits of accessing services through the LCC Dental Clinics include:

  • Shorter wait times
  • Familiar staff
  • HIV trained providers
  • Dental Case Management
  • Travel Assistance (based on eligibility)

Steps To Access Dental Care

Dental services through HIV Alliance are available for those who have no or limited dental insurance. In order to access HIV Alliance paid for dental services you must be below 250% of Federal Poverty Level.  Dental funding is limited and may not cover all types of care.  HIV Alliance works hard to find services that meet the needs of the client and are within our funding abilities.  When possible HIV Alliance will refer you to the LCC Dental Clinics.  Below are a list of steps to help you identify how and when to access services through the Dental Clinic or a provider in your area.

  • Determine what dental benefits are available based on your insurance type. Ask you Care Coordinator if you have questions.
  • Schedule and attend appointment for care through your dental care provider.
  • When at dental appointment let your provider know that you have access to other funding and would like a treatment plan that covers all of your options, even if not covered by your dental insurance.
  • If services needed are not covered by your insurance, contact your Care Coordinator or the Dental Case Manager at HIV Alliance.
  • Provide treatment plan to your Care Coordinator or the Dental Case Manager.
  • Complete and submit Dental Clinic application for services through Lane Community College Dental Clinic.
  • In the event you are unable to travel to one of the Dental Clinic locations for health reasons, ask for assistance accessing a provider in your area.
  • Work with Care Coordinator or Dental Case Manager to schedule appointment.
  • Attend appointment.

HIV+ Care Coordination

Care Coordination at HIV Alliance helps people living with HIV/AIDS to stabilize and maintain their health through support, advocacy, referral services and emergency financial assistance. Our clients struggle to meet basic needs like housing, food, electricity and heat, and medication. We provide holistic care to meet all these needs, recognizing that physical health is dependent upon emotional, social and spiritual well-being.  HIV Alliance serves people living in Clatsop, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, and Marion Counties.

Positive Self Management Program

Provided by Oregon Health Authority (OHA) HIV Care and Treatment Program  the Positive Self-Management Program for HIV (PSMP), developed by Stanford University, is a way of addressing the chronic health needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in Oregon.

The PSMP, Living Well with HIV and AIDS is a group health education and skills building workshop to help HIV positive individuals actively manage their disease. Participants engage in 7 weekly workshops led by two leaders trained in the evidence based PSMP method. The Workshop content includes how to integrate medicine regimens into daily life to improve adherence; techniques to deal with problems like fear, isolation, and fatigue; exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance; communicating with family and health professionals around one’s disease; nutrition; symptom evaluation and management; and evaluation of new or alternative treatments. Classes are highly participatory and focus on mutual support and skills-building.

This program is offered in several counties throughout the year.

Please note that this is not a bilingual program, unfortunately it is not available in Spanish at this time.

Visit the Client Social Events Calendar for more information including times and locations by county.

HIV and Dental Care

HIV Alliance and Lane Community College Dental Clinic have been partners for the last eight years in providing HIV specific, high quality, and consistent dental care to eligible clients. The Dental Clinic’s primary location is in Eugene, Oregon and is supplemented by satellite clinics located in Medford, Oregon at Rogue Community College and Salem, Oregon at Chemeketa Community College.

Lane Community College Dental Clinic not only serves the 11 counties supported by HIV Alliance (Clatsop, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, and Marion), they also serve Baker, Benton, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Linn, Malheur, Morrow, Polk, Sherman, Umatilla, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler Counties.

For clients that need to travel to access services, transportation and travel lodging may be available.  If you have health concerns and traveling to the Dental Clinic would be a hardship, dental services may be available in your area.  To learn more about dental care or ask questions specific to your needs send us your questions using the form below.
[contact-form to=’ahackenschmidt@hivalliance.org’ subject=’Dental Query’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’County of Residence’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


CAREAssist is Oregon’s version of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP). CAREAssist helps people living with HIV/AIDS pay for medication and other medical care expenses. CAREAssist is not health insurance, but they help individuals maintain and utilize health insurance by paying for insurance premiums, doctor visit co-pays and medication co-pays. To become a member of CAREAssist, you must:

  • Have a confirmed HIV status
  • Reside in Oregon
  • Currently have medical insurance or be in the process of applying for medical insurance. We can help you with this.
  • Have income below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/15poverty.cfm).

Individuals who are uninsured and need coverage for prescription medications related to their HIV care may be eligible for up to a 30-day supply through the Bridge Program. This program can also assist with a limited number of medical services to confirm HIV diagnosis and determine appropriate HIV treatment regimens.  Payments for specialty care referrals are not available at this time, although exceptions will be considered with prior authorization. The Bridge Program application must be completed by a physician. All prescriptions covered by the Bridge Program must be obtained through a CAREAssist Network Pharmacy.

For persons who are unable to secure health insurance outside of an open enrollment period, CAREAssist can assist with payments for a limited number of medical services and medications necessary for HIV treatment, through the Uninsured Persons Program (UPP).

Your Care Coordinator at HIV Alliance can help you apply for CAREAssist and can answer any questions you might have.

For more information visit the Oregon Health Authority website.

Friends and Family

Friend and Family groups offer clients and their support people an opportunity to spend time together in an accepting environment and to meet others who are living with or caring for people with HIV. 

This group is open to clients and their friends, families and loved ones.  These groups may include activities and activities and food are provided by HIV Alliance. Transportation may also be arranged.

Visit the Client Social Events Calendar for more information including times and locations by county.

Social Events

Held throughout the year, HIV Alliance invites all clients to attend client events. The agency hosts a holiday and a summer gathering each year. The events include food, activities, gifts (holiday party only) and fun.

Visit the Client Social Events Calendar for more information including times and locations by county.

Care Packages

Often clients struggle to meet basic needs. In addition to the emergency financial assistance we offer, we also offer care packages.

Care Packages– HIV Alliance provides hygiene and cleaning product packages to clients. Care packages are available in every county: monthly, every other month, or as requested (depending on county of residence).  Clients may receive one care package per month.  Clients living in Clatsop, Coos, Curry, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, and Lincoln Counties may request a care package from your Care Coordinator.