Oregon Health Plan

The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) provides health care coverage to low-income Oregonians through programs administered by the Division of Medical Assistance Programs (DMAP). Currently, more than 600,000 people each month receive health care coverage through the Oregon Health Plan.

Qualification for OHP is based on residency, income, and/or those who are elderly, sight impaired, disabled, pregnant or receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Individuals who want to apply for OHP should always submit a completed application to see if they qualify. OHP is opening to more low-income adults in 2014. You may qualify for OHP, even if you’ve been denied in the past.

You can apply for the Oregon Health Plan at any time. Enrollment is always open.  All people enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan will become a member of a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) that serves your county of residence.  Some counties have more than one CCO and you may be asked to choose.  For more information visit the Oregon Health Authority website.

Your Care Coordinator can help you apply for OHP or you can go to the Cover Oregon website at Cover Oregon