Our Programs

Staff and volunteers working in HIV Alliance’s Education Program offer presentations to schools, treatment centers, community groups and others to provide information on how HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) are transmitted, prevention strategies to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading HIV and HCV.  We also work to reduce stigma by sharing the real life stories of individuals living with or affected by these diseases.

Please contact our Volunteer and Education Assistant, Chau Nguyen at cnguyen@hivalliance.org , for more information about our education services or to request one or more of the following presentations.

For all POZ, HIV 101, and HCV 101 trainings, presenters can work with individual instructors to tailor presentations to the education and maturity levels of the students. Our presentations can also include a simple five-step decision making model so that students can begin to use critical thinking skills to manage complex or difficult decisions regarding their choices and behaviors.  We may also administer a simple, short pre and post presentation test to measure increased knowledge.

We encourage you to take advantage of this free service and to plan ahead so that we can get your classes scheduled as much in advance of your desired presentation date as is reasonable.  We also encourage you to consider combining the POZ and HIV 101 presentations into one 90 minute visit as this has proven to be a very effective option.

Community Education

  • Overview of programs and services offered by the HIV Alliance
  • Provides updates on current statistics, trends, and treatments
  • This presentation can be tailored to meet the interests of the scheduling group or agency

HCV 101

  • Designed for older teen and adult audiences
  • Reviews the facts about the Hepatitis C virus.
  • Informs about liver function, transmission of the virus, and effective prevention techniques

HIV 101

  • Provides information on how HIV is and is not transmitted
  • Dispels myths about transmission; and presents current local and national statistics.
  • Encourages participants to think about assessing personal risk behaviors; emphasizes effective prevention and harm reduction strategies including abstinence as well as personal responsibility; and. discusses critical thinking and negotiation strategies

HIV 101 is an interactive workshop designed to inform and educate the public on the basics of HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) transmission, prevention and related stigmas.

Each HIV 101 presentation focuses on the following information: How HIV and HCV are transmitted, ways to address/reduce HIV and HCV-related stigma, ways to prevent/reduce new HIV and HCV infections, and how HIV and HCV cannot be contracted.

These presentations can be adapted to fit the needs and age level of the audience. They are an excellent complement to a comprehensive HIV/AIDS curriculum and help instructors fulfill the Oregon Department of Education Infectious Diseases requirement.

If you are interested in a presentation, please fill out the form below.

[contact-form to=’wrosenthal@hivalliance.org’ subject=’HIV 101 Presentation Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Organization’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]

Speakers in the Schools

  • Also known as our “POZ” program presentations, these presentations are facilitated by someone living with or affected by HIV; They tell their personal story while weaving in prevention messages and some basic facts about HIV and AIDS.
  • Presentations are designed to be interactive and may include written and oral information;
  • Speakers are trained in age-appropriate presentation techniques.


 Our Speakers in the Schools program has been providing HIV-positive speaker presentations in Lane County for over ten years. Their compelling presentations tell the story of their lives before, during, and after their diagnosis. The presentations are designed to increase compassion for people living with HIV/AIDS, address the complex reasons people are at risk for HIV, and inform students about the importance of harm reduction and prevention services. Speakers are also trained to answer questions and provide information about HIV transmission, risk assessment, and safer-sex techniques. The presentations are between 1-1.5 hours.

To schedule a speaker, contact Walter Rosenthal, Education Coordinator, or fill out the form below. Please schedule at least two weeks in advance.

[contact-form to=’wrosenthal@hivalliance.org%26#x002c; phansen@hivalliance.org’ subject=’SIS presentation request’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Organization’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Please enter information about your presentation request (preferred dates%26#x002c; etc.)’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]