How to Donate

There are many ways that you can support our fight to end HIV and support individuals living with HIV.  You can volunteer.  You can give in-kind and monetary donations.  And, you can keep the message about HIV alive in your community!  If you would like to make a monetary or in-kind contribution to HIV Alliance, we have outlined below how this can be done.  If you have any questions, please contact the Development Director at  Thank you!



how your donation helpsPICTURE






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Your tax-deductible gift will go to work immediately

preventing new HIV infections and caring for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

We appreciate donations in all shapes and sizes. HIV Alliance offers several easy ways to support our mission:

Ribbon of Endurance

Corporate Sponsors

In-kind Gifts

Planned Giving

All donations to the agency are tax deductible. HIV Alliance’s federal Tax ID number is 93-0963546.

Questions? More information?

Jaclyn Mahoney

Development Manager

541-342-5088 x151