Dental services through HIV Alliance are available for those who have no or limited dental insurance. In order to access HIV Alliance paid for dental services you must be below 250% of Federal Poverty Level. Dental funding is limited and may not cover all types of care. HIV Alliance works hard to find services that meet the needs of the client and are within our funding abilities. When possible HIV Alliance will refer you to the LCC Dental Clinics. Below are a list of steps to help you identify how and when to access services through the Dental Clinic or a provider in your area.
- Determine what dental benefits are available based on your insurance type. Ask you Care Coordinator if you have questions.
- Schedule and attend appointment for care through your dental care provider.
- When at dental appointment let your provider know that you have access to other funding and would like a treatment plan that covers all of your options, even if not covered by your dental insurance.
- If services needed are not covered by your insurance, contact your Care Coordinator or the Dental Case Manager at HIV Alliance.
- Provide treatment plan to your Care Coordinator or the Dental Case Manager.
- Complete and submit Dental Clinic application for services through Lane Community College Dental Clinic.
- In the event you are unable to travel to one of the Dental Clinic locations for health reasons, ask for assistance accessing a provider in your area.
- Work with Care Coordinator or Dental Case Manager to schedule appointment.
- Attend appointment.